By registering on Freebird, I am agreeing to adhere to the following terms for any data accessed:
I agree that the data will be treated with the strictest confidence.
I am wholly responsible for obtaining any approvals needed for the use of this data.
I agree to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data remain secure (e.g. are stored in a password-protected database) and are not transmitted to other parties by any means.
I agree that all hard copies of data and results will be held securely and accessible to authorised individuals only (who have agreed to these terms)
I agree that final publication and copies of any analysis code will be submitted to the LSHTM CTU (if applicable).
I agree that I will not publicise the data and my results in any way without the permission of the trial’s Chief Investigators.
I understand that the Trial Collaborators will be acknowledged in any publication from the use of this data.
I agree that I will not attempt to identify data on individual patient or hospital/location basis.
I agree that these terms will be in force until otherwise instructed by the LSHTM CTU.